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Podcast: Social media for charities 101

08:00 - 09:00

Social media marketing sounds like it should be easy. But it rarely ends up being that way. For charities, it can often feel like it isn’t worth investing your time and money, but with more than half the world’s population using social media daily, it’s almost impossible to ignore.


We recently ran a webinar with Nick Wyatt, Charity Digital Growth Marketing Executive, that aimed to help charities start their social media marketing journey, examine how social media can improve fundraising, service delivery, and so much more. With such a high turnout and rating, we decided to give our podcast listeners a taste of what was spoken about. 


If you want to watch the full webinar, including the Q&A, you can find the recording here. We hope you enjoy it!

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Host & Guests

Nick Wyatt

Nick Wyatt

Growth Marketing Executive


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