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Access Charity CRM

Access Charity CRM is an upgraded version of one of the classic offerings, Access thankQ, and is currently used by more than 10,000 fundraising professionals from charities of all shapes and sizes, but where it particular comes to life is for those mid-sized charities that are focused on growing their income and increasing engagement with their supporters.more
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Empower your fundraising team with a charity CRM to intelligently manage and engage your supporters. With Access Charity CRM you can create engaging campaigns and events, building strong connections with your supporters by sharing information that truly matters to them. Our powerful search, analytics and marketing automation technologies can be used to identify and target donors with the right messages at the right time to help make income generation more predictable.




Features and Benefits


Discover the key features and benefits of Access Charity CRM:


  • Fundraising Hub. It provides an easily accessible path to donor data, allowing your charity to take action quicker than ever before. With Fundraising Hub you will have a simple, innovative way for your wider organisation to rapidly surface core donor data and take action, without requiring specialist knowledge or in-depth training. Also, Fundraising Hub is available to anyone in your organisation that is granted permission, without any additional CRM licenses, allowing relevant data to be self-served when needed.
  • Campaign Management. Multi-criteria segmentation makes it easy to create personalised and targeted multi-channel communications. Maximise income opportunities, legacies, trust applications and more with accurate campaign tracking.
  • Marketing Automation. Our powerful integration with Mailchimp leverages our data more effectively and ensures that donors are segmented and nurtured by triggering personalised journeys based on their individual interactions.
  • Charity event management. Keeping you in control of event planning, delivery and reporting, we make it easy to create different ticket types, costs and payment categories.
  • Direct debit payment processing. Access Paysuite simplifies your donor journey by reducing the risk of payment interruptions with manageable regular giving - keeping income flowing with effortless Direct Debit payments.
  • Digital Donation: Link our digital donation form to your website and get live collecting donations within hours. Easy to use, self-serve solution with the added benefit of sharing crucial donor information to  your charity CRM.
  • Reporting & analytics. Make faster, more informed decisions with easy access to accurate data and tracking.
  • Income & Gift Aid management. Management of all income streams including grant funding and legacies.
  • GDPR compliance. Collect, store and manage consents through the self service GDPR consent portal.
  • In-built security feature that keeps data safe from external threats.


Access Charity CRM is part of their connected donor journey software, Access Workspace for Charities. With everything in one place, Access’s cloud-based charity software includes Digital Advertising, Website, CRM and Payment Processing solutions, and allows each solution to operate on its own, or as a connected part of the full suite.



Eligibility & Restrictions

If you would like to discover how the Access Charity CRM solution can support your organisation, or if you have any other questions, please get in touch at

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