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Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps Plan- Access to Discounted Rates

Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of creative design desktop applications, mobile apps, and services for designing, developing, and publishing graphical, video, audio, and interactive content for print, the web, and mobile devices.more
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This offer provides access to discounted rates for a Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps plan individual membership for one user. You’ll receive a minimum of 49% percent off Adobe’s current rates for one user. 


Benefits for Organisations

If you have experience with image editing, audio and video editing, graphic design, or web design, you can use Creative Cloud to

  • Tell your story with digital images, vector graphics, audio, and high-definition video
  • Create and publish printed outreach materials
  • Design, develop, and host a website for your organisation
  • Keep your creative software up-to-date with upgrades included in the membership


Applications Included

The All Apps plan includes full versions of all desktop applications listed below for Windows and Mac.

  • Adobe Photoshop CC is a graphics editing program for 2D, 3D, and motion graphics. In addition to its array of features for graphic designers, Photoshop CC offers measurement and analysis tools built with scientists and engineers in mind.
  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC is a photo processor and image organiser for viewing, optimising, and retouching images.
  • Adobe Illustrator CC is a vector-based drawing tool built for professional artists and designers.
  • Adobe InDesign CC is a page layout program built for professional print designers to create rich, complex documents. InDesign content can be exported in a variety of formats, so you can publish the same documents across print and electronic media.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC is a timeline-based video editing program with editing support for multiple high-definition video formats.
  • Adobe After Effects CC is a postproduction tool for creating and editing motion graphics and visual effects in film and video.
  • Adobe Audition CC is digital audio software for recording and editing audio files in a multitrack, nondestructive environment.
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a professional development tool for designing, coding, developing, and publishing web pages and web-based applications.

Creative Cloud also includes other applications like Adobe Flash Professional CC and Adobe Acrobat DC. The full list of applications and services included is available on the Adobe website.


Adobe provides phone support, online chat, forums, and tutorials as part of the Complete plan.


Choose Carefully

The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.


Obtaining This Product

When Charity Digital Exchange approves your donation request, we will send a message to your organisation email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product.


Details and Service Costs

Discounted Rates

This offer provides access to a minimum of 49 percent off the current rates for a new Creative Cloud All Apps plan membership. The exact discount depends on Adobe’s current rates.

After you request this offer and pay Charity Digital Exchange administrative fee, you’ll also pay Adobe $30.00 per month for the discounted membership. This membership comes with a one-year contract obligation.


The discounted membership allows one user to download and use any Creative Cloud product while the membership is active. This offer is only valid if the user is an employee or volunteer within an organisation.

If you’re the licensed user, you may also install and use the software on a secondary computer. The secondary computer may be a home computer or portable computer and can run either Windows or Mac OS. You may not run the software simultaneously on both the primary and secondary computers.

Continuing Service After One Year

If you do not cancel your membership, you will be automatically billed at a minimum 49 percent off current rates each year.

Transferring Memberships Individual memberships are managed on an individual level, and the user’s email address is connected to the Adobe ID. With individual memberships, your organisation can’t change the member’s Adobe ID or password, so you should make proper billing arrangements when an employee or volunteer leaves. For more information about this product, see our Adobe FAQ page.
Existing Members Ineligible This offer is not available to current Creative Cloud members, but an organisation can request new memberships at that rate for individuals who don’t have them.

You can cancel within the first 14 days to receive a full refund or cancel after the first 14 days to receive a refund of half of your remaining contract obligation.

After you cancel and receive a full or partial refund, Creative Cloud applications will stop working. However, you will continue to have access to Creative Cloud membership’s free benefits, including 2 GB cloud storage and use of certain services.

If you’ve stored more than 2 GB of files on Creative Cloud’s storage when you cancel your membership, you will lose files stored beyond the initial 2 GB you used unless you back them up ahead of time.

Credit Card or PayPal Account Required You will be required to enter a credit card number or PayPal account to obtain your membership.
Eligibility & Restrictions

All products provided by Adobe through Charity Digital Exchange are only available to UK-registered charities and charitable housing associations.

  • Quantity: Provided an organisation meets the eligibility criteria for Adobe for Nonprofits through Charity Digital Exchange, requests can be made in line with the following entitlement guidelines:
    • Organisations may request unlimited donated products per (US) fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
    • Organisations may request an unlimited number of individual Creative Cloud and Document Cloud memberships.
  • Budget:
    • Organisations with annual operating budgets of $10 million or less are eligible for Acrobat Pro 2020 products.
    • All other products are available to organisations with annual operating budgets of any size.
  • Terms of service: organisations that request Adobe products must agree to any applicable terms of service.
  • Anti-discrimination policy: organisations that advocate, support, or practice discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background are not eligible to participate in this programme. Organisations must be willing and able to attest that they do not discriminate on any of these grounds in order to receive donations.
  • Case study: Recipient organisations must be willing and able to provide information to Adobe for the purposes of creating a case study or testimonial on this programme.
  • Product distribution:
    • Donated products will only be distributed under this programme to qualifying organisations, not to individuals.
    • Discounted rates will only be distributed to individuals of qualifying organisations.
    • Recipient organisations may not transfer or resell Adobe products.


Adobe Cloud

Donor Partner



The Adobe donation programme with Charity Digital Exchange provides a range of donated software products to eligible UK registered charities.
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