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Adobe Express Premium Plan, 1-Year Individual Membership

Adobe Express is an online and mobile app for creating social graphics, videos, and more. Gain free access for up to 10 devices.more
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This donation provides a one-year membership to the Adobe Express Premium plan for one user. See the Subscription Details section below for more information.


Benefits for Organisations

You can use Adobe Express to create custom marketing materials for your organisation. The software’s prebuilt templates allow you to create a variety of content without requiring any graphic design experience.


You can watch a demo of Adobe Express below. 




Adobe provides phone support, online chat, forums, and tutorials as part of the Adobe Express Premium plan.


Choose Carefully

The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.


Obtaining this product

When Charity Digital Exchange approves your donation request, we will send a message to your organisation email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product.

  • Content templates: Use prebuilt templates to create social media graphics, stories, and thumbnails, as well as posters, flyers, business cards, logos, and more.
  • Stock images and font library: Add stock photos to your content with access to the Adobe Stock royalty-free photo collection. Choose from thousands of licensed fonts with the Adobe Fonts library.
  • Editing and publishing tools: Add effects and design elements, remove backgrounds from photos, resize elements to fit any size, and more. Publish to social media platforms or create a PDF.
  • Branding: Upload your brand logo, fonts, and colors and apply them to any design. Share templates, assets, and brand identity across your team so content consistently reflects your look.

See a full list of features included with the Adobe Express Premium plan.

Eligibility & Restrictions


  • To review the Adobe Express Program Rules, Eligibility and Restrictions please click here.


Subscription Details

System Requirements

See Adobe Express system requirements.

Continuing Service After One Year

You may renew your membership by requesting another one through Charity Digital Exchange each year before the membership expires.

If you don’t request another membership, Adobe will automatically renew your membership at the standard retail rate unless you choose to cancel. If you choose to cancel or you don’t have any payment methods added to your account, your membership will be converted to the Adobe Express Free plan.

Transferring Memberships

Individual memberships are managed on an individual level, and the user’s email address is connected to the Adobe ID. With individual memberships, your organisation can’t change the member’s Adobe ID or password, so you should make proper billing arrangements when an employee or volunteer leaves. For more information about this product, see the Adobe for Nonprofits FAQ.

Existing Subscribers

If you already have an Adobe Express Free or Premium plan membership, you can request this offer to upgrade or renew your membership.

Previewing Adobe Express

Adobe offers an Adobe Express Free plan that includes only the core product features.

Donor Partner



The Adobe donation programme with Charity Digital Exchange provides a range of donated software products to eligible UK registered charities.
View Donor Partner

Admin Fee: £0

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