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Assemble: Volunteer Management & Engagement Solution

Assemble is the UK’s leading volunteer management and engagement solution for charities, Not for Profits, NHS Trusts and Local Authorities. more


With a powerful feature set, Assemble helps organisations of all sizes to improve efficiencies and bring process to every stage of the volunteer journey.


Our customers – who include RSPCA, British Red Cross and Save The Children UK - use Assemble to attract, recruit, manage, retain and measure the impact of their volunteering, in one secure and compliant solution.



Discover the key features and benefits of Assemble


  • One comprehensive solution – A single, process-driven solution to support organisations at every stage of the volunteer journey.
  • Recruitment -Create custom workflows, improve efficiencies and reduce drop-off’s with Assemble’s applicant tracking pipeline for a smart, compliant and accountable process.
  • Rotas - View team availability and shortfalls at a glance, plan single or repeating shifts, create rotas and send notifications with intuitive functionality.
  • Events -Easily create events and invite volunteers to sign up or help out and send reminders.
  • Tasks - Invite volunteers to pick up tasks, such as rescuing an animal, delivering food or medicine, or supporting a specific need within the community.
  • Engagement - Keep volunteers engaged with your cause by sharing news and impact articles, social media content, upcoming events and new opportunities. Empower volunteers to self-assign shifts and pick up tasks.
  • Reporting - Create rich reports, monitor your KPI’s and measure your volunteer impact in just a few simple steps.
  • Document Hub -Share anything from volunteer handbooks to training material and instructional videos.
  • Communications - Use internal and group messaging features and notifications. Stay in touch with regular news updates or send recognition awards.
  • Collaboration - Work closely with your team via auditable workflows and keep important tasks progressing.
  • Mobile App - Reach volunteers anytime, anywhere with Assemble’s Mobile App for iPhone and Android and keep everyone connected.
  • GDPR compliant - Keep volunteer data secure and in line with privacy elements expressed in the EU General Data Protection Regulations.
  • Security - Assemble provides a safe, secure and compliant home for your data and is certified to ISO 27001:13.


For more on how Assemble helps organisations improve and enhance the volunteer journey, visit

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