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Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security, 25 Users

Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security is software that protects networked laptops, desktops, servers, and virtual machines from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, rootkits, and other threats. Network protection is managed through a central console.more
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This donation provides a one-year GravityZone Business Security subscription for up to 25 devices. Of these devices, 8 can be servers or Linux machines. The product will cease to function entirely after one year unless the subscription is renewed.


Benefits for Organizations

If you have experience with network administration, you can use Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security to reduce resource costs and centrally manage protection for your organization’s network.


Existing Subscribers

Current subscribers to GravityZone Business Security can use this donation to add another year of protection.


Obtaining This Product

When Charity Digital Exchange approves your request, we will send a message to your organization email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product.


Major Capabilities

  • Management console: The console, or Control Center, is deployed as an appliance that runs in a virtualized environment. Control Center provides full visibility into the organization’s overall security posture, insight into global security threats, and control over its security services. When you activate the product, you choose one of two types of console.
    • Cloud: Bitdefender hosts this console, and the administrator connects to it with a web browser.
    • On-premises: You deploy this console as an appliance that runs in a virtualized environment in your organization’s own infrastructure. You should choose this type only if you have experience with virtualized environments.
  • Antivirus and antispyware: Security scanners can detect and clean viruses and quarantine viruses, spyware, adware, Trojans, and rootkits on all endpoints and servers.
  • Behavior-based protection: Security for Endpoints stops emerging threats by analyzing the behavior of a given program or process in a virtual environment before it is executed. If it is deemed safe to run, Bitdefender continues to analyze the process while it’s running to identify likely threats that have not yet been reported.
  • Desktop firewall (Windows workstations only): The firewall prevents unauthorized users from accessing users’ computers when roaming or working remotely using unsecured networks. Configuration settings include Internet blocking and access by IP address, application, port, or protocol to protect against inbound and outbound threats.
  • Content control (Windows workstations only): Content control allows administrators to define traffic scan options and schedule web access while blocking or allowing certain web categories or URLs. They can also configure data protection rules and define permissions for the use of specific applications.
  • Device control (Windows desktop and server operating systems only): Device control applies security policies to devices attached to endpoints. It prevents data leakage and malware infections that can result from using USB flash drives, Bluetooth devices, CD or DVD players, storage devices, and so on.
Eligibility & Restrictions

No Additional Devices

You cannot add protection for more devices once you have installed this product on your network. You can request a product with more devices and install it, but it will replace the product that you previously installed. You will not receive a refund for the previous product.

If your organization requires protection for more than 25 devices on a single network, Charity Digital Exchange also offers GravityZone Business Security for 50 devices.


Number of Devices Required Product
1 to 10 Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security, 10 Devices
11 to 25 Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security, 25 Devices
26 to 50 Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security, 50 Devices


If your organization requires protection for more than 50 devices on a single network, please take a look at our offers from Avast Business.


System Requirements

  • See the system requirements at the bottom of this GravityZone Business Security page.
  • Bitdefender cannot run alongside other antivirus programs. In order to use Bitdefender, you must first uninstall them.


Choose Carefully

The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.



Donor Partner



Bitdefender Internet Security is security software that protects computers from viruses, spam and other online threats.
View Donor Partner

Market Value: £719.42


Save up to 85%

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