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Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android

You can use Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android to protect your organization’s mobile devices from electronic threats or theft.more
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Major Capabilities

  • Malware scans: Mobile Security automatically scans any application that you install.
  • Privacy Advisor: You can see what each app is capable of doing on your device, such as accessing your private data or sending messages. You can uninstall apps that you think might be privacy threats.
  • App locking: You can restrict access to any app by setting a passcode for it.
  • Web security: Bitdefender cloud services alert you about web pages that contain malware, phishing, or fraudulent content.
  • Theft protection: You can remotely locate, lock, wipe, or send a message to a stolen device. The device can take a picture of anyone who tries to tamper with it.
  • Smart watch linking: An Android Wear watch can vibrate when you move too far away from your phone. You can also use the watch to find your phone by setting off a loud alarm.



Bitdefender provides support through a wiki, an FAQ, and a forum and by email, chat, and telephone.


Obtaining This Product

When Charity Digital Exchange approves your request, we will send a message to your organization email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product.

Eligibility & Restrictions


  • Donated products will be distributed under this programme to qualifying organisations only, not to individuals.
  • Organisations may request up to 50 user licenses within a fiscal year (July 1 to June 30). The licenses can be for one product or divided among several products.
  • Only organisations with annual operating budgets of £800,000 or less are eligible to receive this donation.
  • The Bitdefender donation programme with Charity Digital Exchange provides a range of donated software products to eligible UK-registered charities.
  • This donation will not be made available to educational institutions, including schools, colleges and universities.
  • Organisations that advocate, support, or practice discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background are not eligible to participate in this programme.


Choose Carefully

The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.


System Requirements

  • For use on tablets and smartphones, Android 4.1 or later
  • For linking with smart watches, Android 4.3 and Android Wear
  • Internet connection



Donor Partner



Bitdefender Internet Security is security software that protects computers from viruses, spam and other online threats.
View Donor Partner

Market Value: £11.17


Save up to 89%


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