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CAF Donate: Raise Funds & Process Donations

Donation platform from CAF

More than 8,000 charities use CAF Donate to raise funds online and process their donations. Join them and make it easy for people to give to you, wherever they are. Learn more and SIGN UPmore
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No sign up or monthly fees

It’s free to sign up to CAF Donate and there are no monthly fees. We do charge a small amount for each donation but we keep it to a minimum. See how our fees compare with other platforms.

Branded online donation pages

Create online donation pages that fit with your charity’s branding in minutes.

Gift Aid reclaim

Reduce admin by letting us claim the Gift Aid on donations for you.

Reports and information about your supporters

Run reports on your campaigns, donors and donations. With CAF Donate your donors are your donors, not ours. Where supporters have given their consent, you’ll have access to their data.

Donation processing

Get donations online or offline, including one-off donations via credit card/debit card/PayPal or regular donations via Direct Debit. Reduce your admin by letting us claim the Gift Aid for you.

QR codes

Use QR codes on printed materials to send donors to your fundraising pages.

Self-process CAF Charity Vouchers

If you’ve received a CAF Charity Voucher you can use CAF Donate to redeem the voucher online rather than sending it to us for processing. 


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