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Currencies Direct: International payment solutions for non-profit organisations

Founded in 1996, Currencies Direct Limited is a provider of foreign currency exchange and international payment services for both organisations and private clients. Based in London, the group transacts circa £10 billion per year across 1 million payments.more


Maximising donations that charities receive is crucial for the communities they work with. It can be difficult for charities to find providers that can transfer money abroad at competitive rate and as a result, many organisations overpay for their international payments. These payments may include salaries for staff on the ground and regular donations as well as one-off payments for repairs, events or new initiatives.


Currencies Direct provides international payment solutions for organsiations, helping them to streamline transfers and manage risk. 


For non-profit organisations, Currencies Direct offers a free, no-obligation consultation to determine the efficiency of your current payment solutions and where you may be able to mitigate FX risk.


Features include:

  • Online Batch Payments
  • Lock in exchange rates at excellent rates with forward contracts
  • Risk management strategies
  • Immediate and same day international payments 
  • Accounts package and/or ERP integration. Xero integration live with more coming soon.
  • API integration options to manage high donation volumes 
  • Receive payments in 35+ currencies

How to access the offer


Access this offer by contacting Katie Keith at Currencies Direct


You can find out more by clicking here.

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