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KindLink For Non-Profits



KindLink supports a network of over 2000 charities in improving their fundraising abilities and corporate engagement, manage their donor CRM and volunteering opportunities, and showcase the impact of their work - all on one platform


Every non-profit on KindLink gets free access to:


  • CRM databases for supporters, beneficiaries and donations, with the ability to record any type of offline donations, including gifts in kind and volunteering time


  • Donor communication tool directly integrated with Facebook, Twitter & email to allow donor engagement with a single click


  • Online fundraising pages, and website donation processing at the lowest rate on the market (1.45% + 14p)


  • Marketplace for posting asks for help, connecting non-profits to businesses and individual supporters


Corporate engagement tool allowing our charities to automatically connect and report to their business supporters


  • Automated Gift Aid reporting on both online and offline donations
  • Project management tool integrated with social media suite


We offer our charity platform for free by providing businesses with a platform to manage their CSR and sustainability


Donor Partner



KindLink supports a network of over 2000 charities in improving their fundraising abilities and corporate engagement, manage their donor CRM and volunteering opportunities, and showcase the impact of their work - all on one platform.
View Donor Partner

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