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Metriscope Monthly or Annual Plan

Metriscope is an advanced website analytics and session replay tool, designed to assist both your marketing and technical teams. Get 50% off any subscription plan.  more


This donation provides a 50% discount for any available plan for any registered charity.


Benefits for Organisations

Metriscope software can be used to find where users are struggling with your website. For marketing and design people, this shows where and how and why people drop out of your website. For the technical teams, this will show bugs and errors that have impacted site visitors. For any teams with live website assistance from real people, Metriscope offers liveAssist, which allows your representatives to easily view exactly what the users are seeing on their web browser even while you’re chatting with them.



Metriscope offers email support at no cost, and premium phone support for a fee.




Fraud Detection

Image showing incognito person looking suspicious behind a user

Imagine, someone orders something to an address which is suspicious, or tries to order to the same address from three different accounts. Or the same user tries to login with many different usernames. You don’t want to be shipping valuables off to these people until you’re sure of them. Metriscope comes out of the box with templates to detect this kind of thing, and warn you in real time. We can’t catch everything, fraudsters are sneaky buggers, but we can certainly make it a little harder for them.

Real world example: A prominent UK fashion retailer used our fraud detection abilities to look at deliveries being ordered to the same address from different accounts. Combined with our IP analysis, they were able to virtually eliminate account hacking fraud on their site.
Intercepting fraudulant orders before they leave the warehouse is much easier than trying to get them back again afterwards.

Bug Fixing

Woman found a bug with magnifying glass


How many times have your dev team said "it works on my machine"? It doesn’t matter that you have 850 customers all reporting the same thing, costing you £25,000, it works on their machine, so what more can they do? Well, with Metriscope, you can see what the customer saw. You can see the exact issue they had, the state of the web page, and even the javascript variables that were behind the scenes. You can see why it doesn’t work on their machine, and your developers will have all the information they need to make sure it works for everyone, not just them.

Real world exampleA great example of this was when a US retailer used Metriscope’s conversion funnels to discover they had a disproportionately low conversion rate from Canada. Using Metriscope’s replay, they could see that almost all Canadian customers were receiving an error message, which hadn’t shown up in testing.
It was a simple fix, and Canadian customers were immediately able to order. Metriscope allowed the developers to see the problem from their customers’ eyes.



User inspecting their website’s issues


No, we don’t offer therapy for your personal trauma, sorry. What we do offer is a way to examine why customers abandon a transaction, and don’t spend their money with you. Whether this be because of a badly placed button, something distracts them from buying, or simply, buying doesn’t work. We can help you narrow down all of the reasons, and increase sales.

Real world example: We worked with a high value luxury retailer, who had no idea they had a problem with their website. Using our flagging system to bring abandoned journeys to their attention, they discovered a significant problem. Customers were unable to checkout if their basket had a value of over £10,000, and so were just giving up.
They had lost hundreds of sales, and Metriscope’s software meant that they fixed the issue, and significantly increased revenue.



People placing data into a jar


But HOW bad is the problem? Sometimes you just need to be able to quantify things. Maybe because the CTO is breathing down your neck, or if you’re the CTO, you need to know which issue to breathe down your teams neck about. With our monetisation reports, you can find out which issues to prioritise. Sometimes the frequent issue that costs 25p each time it happens, can be losing you more than the big issue that costs you thousands.


Real world example: A fast food retailer knew they had a problem with their website. They were sure it was a small problem. When a customer pressed the checkout button, there was a small chance they would be taken back to the homepage, with their basket empty.
An analysis with Metriscope revealed the stunning truth about the scale of the problem. Only 11% of customers went to the effort of re-entering their order, and in total, over £1 million of sales were being lost every year! This quickly became their top priority issue, and was solved within a day.
Metriscope’s software had paid for itself more than 40 times over, with just this one discovery.

Data recovery

User looking at 3 different screen synced by the cloud


It’s all gone. The last 127 customer orders have just vanished because someone tripped over the power cable and powered down the database without it syncing properly. But wait - with Metriscope, you have the option to configure it to capture all the customer’s PII within your secure data perimeter. If you’ve chosen to do this, you can simply look up all of the customers from the last hour, and recreate their orders in your system. That might only take you an hour or so, as opposed to possibly waiting days for data recovery specialists to rebuild your database data. That’ll give you plenty of spare time to get that cable nicely tucked away behind the desks.

Read world example: You might think it’s unlikely you’d lose all your data. You have it backed up, right?
When an engineer accidentally deleted a database table, losing two weeks of data and replicating to their hot backup, panic ensued. This data was irretrievable, and vital for the company.
A Metriscope engineer wrote a data recovery program, which extracted the lost data from the information we had captured for the customer. Within 36 hours, the customer had all of their data back.
The day was saved, and nobody lost their job.



Screen with various graphs and charts


We all love those big screens on the wall. The ones where you get rows of numbers showing you what goes up and down. Metriscope has some great visualisation options. From the basic graphs, to maps of where people buy from, to a continually updating flowmap of your entire website, showing the real big picture. That last one is really cool to watch, as well as being really informative for high level decisions.

Real world example: Following a change in their website, a French telecoms company used Metriscope’s flagging system to discover their customers were receiving an increased number of checkout errors. They used Metriscope’s Flowmaps to look at the big picture of their checkout pages. They saw that there was a stong correlation between customers pressing the back button during checkout, and checkout errors happening.
This information allowed the company to identify a bug in how they handled the back button, which was quickly fixed.

Real time

User looking at screen with various charts, and graphs


Real time responsiveness. You know what that means? It means that right now, you’re losing money on your pricing, and you don’t need to be. You’re selling something for £5 when people would pay £6 for it. How very dare they! Metriscope can be used to examine customer traffic in real time, and adjust prices to optimise revenue. Direct access to the real time data means you can even do this automatically, instead of having someone changing prices by hand.

Real World Example: A UK home and lifestyle goods retailer used direct access into the Metriscope database to allow them to analyse trends and customer actions, and to set their prices accordingly.
To be honest, we still don’t know exactly what they were doing (their business logic was private), but that didn’t matter. What mattered was our ability to provide the data for them to understand their customers.
Using this data, this company was able to achieve a double digit increase in profits, which was maintained year on year, and was fully thanks to the data Metriscope captured for them.

Customer Assistance

Customer support on call with a client, choosing options how to help


Your customer calls you. Or text chats you. Or contacts you on social media. Whatever the cool people do these days. You can use Metriscope to immediately link to their most recent visit to your website, where you can see everything they did, and find out just what exactly their problem is. You can even see what they’re doing right now. So if you see them clicking on the wrong thing you can tell them "No, not that button, the other one, the one to the left" and they’ll be able to resolve their problem.


Real world example: Multiple Metriscope customers integrate Metriscope’s replay into their chat screens. One US furniture company took it one stage further by initiating live chat with customers when Metriscope highlighted a struggle. Their system would show their representative the chat window, and Metriscope’s replay, so they could see what the customer was struggling with, and directly assist them with their problem.
This led to a significant reduction in time spent responding to customers, while at the same time increasing conversion rates.

Eligibility & Restrictions

Subscription Details


System Requirements 

None, Metriscope is compatible with any website. 

Continuing Service After Plan End 

Membership plans automatically renew at the end of the period, unless cancelled. The discounted rate will always be applied forever, there is no need to do anything to obtain it. 

Transferring Memberships 

Plans are transferable between websites, or even usable on multiple websites at once. There are no restrictions on transferring between sites registered to the same organisation. 

Existing Subscribers 

Existing Metriscope customers will automatically get this benefit. 

Previewing Metriscope 

Metriscope analytics is available to view by going to and visiting the demo link. 


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Metriscope is an advanced website analytics and session replay tool, designed to assist both your marketing and technical teams. Get 50% off any subscription plan.

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