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Otter Business 1-Year Initial Subscription - Access to Discounted Rates

Otter is an automated recording and transcription service that can be accessed through a web browser or mobile apps for iOS or Android.more
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This offer provides access to a 40 percent discount on a one-year subscription for Otter Business for a minimum of three or more users at current rates.


Important information: After you request access to discounted rates through Charity Digital Exchange for £39 (+VAT), you’ll pay directly for the first year of the discounted subscription at a 40 percent discounted rate. See the Eligibility & Restrictions tab for more information. 


Benefits for organisations

You can use Otter to

  • Save time by generating transcriptions automatically from live audio or previously recorded audio and video
  • Enhance the accessibility of your audio or video content by creating transcriptions for individuals with impaired hearing, or with an auditory processing disorder

Major Capabilities

  • Record: Record and save audio using Otter on an iOS or Android phone or in a web browser. You can also import existing recordings or sync with other services.
  • Transcribe: Otter generates transcripts in real-time from live audio or previously recorded audio and video. While the transcript is being generated, you can scroll back through the transcript to review it and insert photos inline.
  • Review and edit: Edit transcripts to modify the text, tag speakers, add images, and more. After you identify a speaker the first time, Otter learns and automatically identifies that speaker in future recordings.
  • Search: Find transcripts based on automatically generated summary keywords and word clouds.
  • Export and share: Export audio as MP3 files and export transcripts as TXT, PDF, SRT, or plain text files. You can also share conversations online.

See a full list of features included with Otter Business.


Obtaining This Product

When Charity Digital Exchange approves your request, we will send a message to your organisation email address with instructions for obtaining and activating this product.

Eligibility & Restrictions

Details and Service Costs

Discounted Rates This offer provides access to a 40 percent discount on a one-year subscription to Otter Business for three or more users at current rates. After you request this offer through Charity Digital Exchange, you’ll pay directly for the discounted subscription.
You can add users later as needed, and you will continue to receive your discount for any users you add.
Service Contract Required You must agree to a one-year service contract with
Continuing Service After One Year You may renew your subscription at a 40 percent discount by requesting the Otter Business subscription renewal product through Charity Digital Exchange each year before the subscription expires.
If you do not cancel or activate your discounted renewal before your subscription expires, you’ll be charged full price for an additional year of service.
Existing Subscribers organisations with a current paid or free Otter subscriptions are eligible for this offer.
Previewing Otter Otter offers a free Basic plan with limited features.
Credit Card Required A credit card is needed to pay for discounted rates on’s website.



Otter Business subscriptions includes priority email support and standard phone and online chat support.

Choose Carefully

The administrative fee for this product is not refundable, and the product cannot be exchanged.

Access a 40 percent discount on a one-year subscription. Pricing is available on the Charity Digital Exchange website

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