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New to Charity Digital?

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Tech-Ready in 15: Book a free consultation with our in-house expert

We offer free consultations to match your organisation to software & resources that are available on the Charity Digital Exchange.more

To date, Charity Digital have saved over 77,000 not-for-profits in excess of £284m on their tech purchases.


Don’t know where to start? You can request a 15-minute consultation with our Programmes Manager Joel Hogan here.


We can offer help & guidance on:


  • Adobe: Acrobat, Express, Creative Cloud
  • Amazon Web Service
  • Autodesk Computer Aided Design (CAD)
  • Microsoft: Licensing, cloud services
  • Antivirus: Avast, Bitdefender, Norton
  • Hardware: Cisco, Dell, Meta
  • Communicate and Collaborate: Zoom, Docusign
  • Email marketing services
  • IT Services: Migration, website set up
  • And more! 


You can book a free consultation here.

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