Earlier this week the Dogs Trust launched the first ever dog emoji keyboard. The charity combined its data with UK pet population figures to create a list of the 23 most popular dog breeds to be included in the keyboard, which is now available to download for free on Apple iOS and Google Android.
Each emoji is based on a real life dog at one of the Dogs Trust Rehoming Centres, looking for an owner.
Through the keyboard, the charity aims to illustrate the huge variety of breeds that they have at their centres, as well as enabling dog lovers across the world to enjoy using the emojis in messages to friends and family.
Adrian Burder, CEO of Dogs Trust, said: “As the UK’s largest welfare charity, we have a responsibility to ensure all are fairly treated, and represented, in both the digital and real world.
"While we fully support the recent updates to diversify the emoji keyboard, with nine million canines in family homes across the country, we also feel deserve that same representation. We see so many wonderfully different every day, we wanted to share this with the public!
“We’re delighted to launch Dogs Trust Emoji which will allow us to celebrate the wonderful variety of our UK population in a fun and creative way.”
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