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On-demand webinar: Getting Started with the Google Ad Grant

13:00 - 14:00

Google Ad Grants for charities is a $10,000 USD of in-kind advertising every month from Google Ads to use on-platform. In essence, the resource has the potential to drive traffic and impact for charities re-marketing, YT, search, and inbox advertising.


Getting the ad grant to work for you especially now, while the coronavirus health crisis elevates the importance of digital marketing and online connection in the social impact space. But it’s easier said than done, and the grant is often met with an air of mystery and confusion.


David Bushell from AdGrow has experience running Google Ad campaigns for charities and companies of all sizes. He joins us for a webinar to finally demystify the Google Grant and show charities how to run effective Ad’s and drive value and impact for their organisations.

David BushellDavid Bushell
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Mimi Morrill

Mimi Morrill

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David Bushell

David Bushell


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