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Webinar: Elevating your social media content with Adobe Express

13:00 - 14:00

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Social media is a vital tool to help charities reach new audiences, communicate with supporters and beneficiaries, and raise awareness of their cause. Yet, in a busy online world, it’s easy for marketing campaigns to get lost in the crowd. How can charities ensure that their organisation stands out? 


In this webinar, Senior Product Manager at Adobe, Andy Lambert will go through the strategies, tips and tricks needed to create standout campaigns. The session will cover how charities can drive engagement on social media, what an effective content strategy looks like, and how to efficiently produce compelling content that communicates their mission. 


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • Which social media channels and content formats generate the most engagement
  • How to create a well-structured content strategy
  • How to use Adobe Express to scale content production and manage campaigns


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Andy Lambert

Andy Lambert

Senior Product Manager

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