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Webinar: Getting your board on board – how to communicate about AI

13:00 - 14:00

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is prompting questions across nonprofit staff, leadership, and board members alike. In a sector with limited time and budgets, AI can enable charity professionals to redirect energy from laborious, admin-heavy tasks and focus instead on creative ideas that will push the organisation forward. But while the technology behind AI has been around for a while, the proliferation of tools we are currently experiencing is very new – how can charities empower their organisation and help teams use AI effectively and responsibly in the future?


Join us for an engaging fireside chat with Ha Cole, Chief AI Officer, Microsoft Tech for Social Impact EMEA, and Lev Malinin, Head of Corporate Systems at The Salvation Army UK & the Republic of Ireland, designed to equip you with the tools and strategies needed to effectively communicate the value of AI to your stakeholders.

Attendees can expect to learn: 

  • How AI can enhance your organization’s impact and efficiency
  • How to present AI concepts to your board in a compelling and understandable way
  • A framework to help you to practice and refine your approach to building AI principles

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Ha Cole

Ha Cole

Chief AI Officer, Tech for Social Impact - International

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