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On-demand webinar: How charities can effectively protect data

13:00 - 14:00


Data presents incredible opportunities for charities. Effective data analysis, among other things, improves decision-making, reduces costs, and drastically boosts funds. But the rewards of data come with serious risks, the sort of risks that far too many charities ignore.


Risks stem from the absence of data protection. Cyber criminals target charities because charities hold valuable data, fail to invest in data security, and depend largely on outdated and vulnerable technology.   The webinar gives charities essential advice on how they can effectively back-up and protect data.


The webinar covers, among many other things, the primary risks facing charities at present, the ways that charities can mitigate such risks, why charities need an effective back-up solution, advanced management strategies for the cloud, and other vital data protection tips. The hosts will give a short demo of the Acronis platform, showing attendees how to improve the way your charity can protect its data.



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Joel Hogan

Joel Hogan

Customer Success Manager
David Massey

David Massey

Managing Director
The Apprentice Store

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