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On-demand webinar: How to make language more inclusive

13:00 - 14:00


What is inclusive language and why does it matter? People worry that inclusive language means overthinking each word choice or banning everyday words like black or white. But using inclusive language is actually really simple. In this webinar, copywriter Ettie Bailey-King (she/her) introduces some straightforward and practical principles to make language inclusive, accurate, and respectful.  

Ettie will discuss how charities can avoid euphemism, how to embrace specificity and accuracy, how to champion respect and dignity, the general principles of LGBTQIA+ inclusive language, the principles of language around disability, how to disrupt the use of default language, and so much more. So join us on the day and learn how to make your language inclusive.


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Chiara Simmons Wood

Chiara Simmons Wood

Event Planning and Marketing Coordinator
Ettie Bailey-King

Ettie Bailey-King

Freelance writer

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