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On-demand webinar: Where to start with E.S.G. investment for your charity

13:00 - 14:00


Responsible investing is an evolving area for charities, but with an ever-increasing volume of information and limited time it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start.


Increasingly, charity leaders want to know that the funds their charity’s money is invested in – and the financial institutions managing these funds – incorporate responsible investment into their decision-making.


In this webinar Guy Davies, Co-founder of Charity Intelligence, will explore the background to responsible investment, provide insight and share the latest trends and ideas to help you to unpack some of the confusion surrounding E.S.G. investing, giving you confidence to make the right ethical and reputational decisions for your charity.


Attendees can expect to learn:

  • How charities incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (E.S.G.) factors into new or existing investment portfolios
  • Where to find the best E.S.G. Investment information, guidance, and resources – for free!
  • How to align E.S.G. Investments to support your Charity mission

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Guy Davies

Guy Davies

Charity Intelligence
Chiara Simmons Wood

Chiara Simmons Wood

Event Planning and Marketing Coordinator

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