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Infographic: How can cyber attacks affect your charity?

This infographic shows how poor cyber security can affect charities, from damaging its reputation to impacting its fundraising

red siren alarm on a plain red background
Infographic: How can cyber attacks affect your charity?

In 2021, cyber security was ranked as the third biggest priority for charities, behind fundraising and service delivery. While those top priorities are understandable given the time and resource pressure that charities face, it also fails to reflect the fact that good cyber security feeds into these areas. Charities cannot deliver their services effectively, for example, should their data fall prey to a ransomware attack.  


The risk of cyber threats exists in each area that charities connect to the internet. The rise of Bring Your Own Device working means that devices on their network may have vulnerabilities, spoof emails ostensibly from your CEO may lead to employees divulging passwords or bank details to cyber criminals, and  


Below, we’ve shared a helpful infographic that outlines the risks that charities face from cyber threats, mapping out their effects on their service delivery, funds, and reputation. Charities can also find out more about the National Cyber Security Centre’s Active Cyber Defence tools and resources which can help them shore up their cyber security, at no extra cost to themselves.  


Download the infographic below.  

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Infographic - Mapping consequences of cyber attacks  FINAL.jpg
Laura Stanley

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