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Charity Digital Academy

Charity Digital Academy

Our courses aim, in just three hours, to enhance soft skills and hard skills, boost your knowledge of finance and artificial intelligence, and supercharge your digital capabilities. Check out some of the incredible options below.

All Events

Editorial topics
Case studies
Data & Analytics
Digital exclusion
Leadership & Skills
Marketing & Communications
Operations & Efficiency
Risk & Compliance
Service Delivery
Tech for Good
Charity Digital Academy: Supercharge your use of social media

Charity Digital Academy: Supercharge your use of social media

Charity Digital Academy: Practical uses of AI for your charity

Charity Digital Academy: Practical uses of AI for your charity

Cyber Essentials Training: Mastering the Five Key Controls for Digital Security

Cyber Essentials Training: Mastering the Five Key Controls for Digital Security

Charity Digital Academy: Getting set up with Microsoft 365

Charity Digital Academy: Getting set up with Microsoft 365

Charity Digital Academy: Managing your M365 tenant – an introduction to the admin portal

Charity Digital Academy: Managing your M365 tenant – an introduction to the admin portal

Charity Digital Academy: Supercharge your use of social media

Charity Digital Academy: Supercharge your use of social media

Charity Digital Academy: Making the most of M365 apps – tips and tricks

Charity Digital Academy: Making the most of M365 apps – tips and tricks

Charity Digital Academy: How to manage charity finances

Charity Digital Academy: How to manage charity finances

Charity Digital Academy: How to master strategic planning

Charity Digital Academy: How to master strategic planning

Charity Digital Academy: Practical uses of AI for your charity

Charity Digital Academy: Practical uses of AI for your charity

Charity Digital Academy: How to master email marketing

Charity Digital Academy: How to master email marketing

Charity Digital Academy: Supercharge your use of social media

Charity Digital Academy: Supercharge your use of social media

Reimagining Service Delivery Summit

How can charities deliver the best services possible with the resources they have? How can we shift perceptions of service delivery to ensure that users are at the centre of these conversations?   How can we provide more collaborative service delivery?  


Join us for a free online event on Thursday 12 June which is designed to answer the above questions and many more! 


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