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On-demand webinar: Post-COVID-19 cyber security trends

13:00 - 14:00

Cyber security evolves quickly. New threats crop up every day, and charity IT staff must remain constantly vigilant to combat them.


COVID-19 has changed the way we work, with more staff than ever before working from home. These changing working habits have led to a new generation of cyber security threats including an increased risk of phishing, ransomware, and malware. The rise in cloud computing that facilitates remote work also presents new vulnerabilities for cyber criminals to exploit.


In this week’s Charity Digital webinar, the NCSC and Chris Hall from Charity Digital offer some advice on keeping your charity safe and secure in an evolving threat landscape. The webinar will explain, among other things, the risks organisations face and the steps charities can take to protect themselves.

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Featured Speakers

Chris Hall

Chris Hall

Head of Marketing
NCSC Resilience Team

NCSC Resilience Team

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As promised, here are the resources mentioned in the webinar:




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