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Webinar: Ten tools and tricks to boost motivation and productivity

13:00 - 14:00

The charity sector is a profoundly rewarding sector. Our work is impactful and meaningful, helping to support communities, help the most vulnerable, and improve the world. But the sector is demanding. Charity professionals are often expected to achieve more with less.


That’s why boosting productivity is so important. Our latest webinar, presented by the brilliant Jen Lowthrop, Digital Consultant and Agile Coach at Feel Good Do Good, explores how you can improve your motivation and your productivity, with some simple tools and tricks.


The webinar will cover, among other things, why attention management is more important than time management, how to stay motivated while still prioritising your wellbeing, incredible productivity tricks that anyone can implement, and so much more.


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Jen Lowthrop

Jen Lowthrop

Digital Consultant & Agile Coach
Feel Good Do Good
Josie Sparling

Josie Sparling

Josie Sparling

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