Podcast: Beyond the reputation, how charities are using gaming for good
This podcast is sponsored by Salesforce.org - the dedicated social impact team of Salesforce that delivers technology to nonprofits, educational institutions, and philanthropic organisations so they can connect with others and do more good.
The world of gaming sometimes gets a bad reputation. However, time and time again gaming is proving itself otherwise and has become a highly lucrative fundraising market for charities.
Gaming makes up a huge part of the entertainment industry and in recent years gaming for good has been picking up speed thanks to platforms such as Twitch and Tiltify. Charities all over have been successfully using gaming to spread their message, raise awareness and solicit donations.
In this podcast episode, we discuss what gaming for good actually means and how charities can tap into this relatively new fundraising market. We also chat about the creative ways organisations have been using gaming as a tool for social good, as well as offering key tips for charities on how to get started with using the world of gaming for fundraising. Our guests also explain why charities of all shapes and sizes should be harnessing the power of gaming to raise money, start conversations and spread their message.
For this episode, Charity Digital’s Marketing Manager, Chris Hall, is joined by Shay Thompson (Founder of Level Up Link Up and Video Game Host for McLaren & Bafta) and Will Coleman (Creative Lead at Salesforce.org).
Host & GuestsView All
Chris Hall
Shay Thompson
Will Coleman
Host & Guests
Chris Hall
Shay Thompson
Will Coleman
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