Is your charity digitally accessible?

In the past couple of years, accessibility has gone from being an afterthought at best, to an often spoken about subject at conferences and water coolers alike. Inclusive design is now close to joining buzzwords like blockchain, machine learning and big data. But it’s not without its merit. This year’s Lloyds bank charity digital index found that 51% of charities are not reaching vulnerable people, including those with disabilities due to not having accessibility procedures built into their website.
And it goes beyond goes well beyond design, we’ve talked in previous podcasts about the sector’s lack of employment inclusion for people from BAME backgrounds. It’s a similar story for disabled workers, with the sector missing out on a vast amount of untapped talent from a highly skilled and motivated workforce.
In our latest pod, we’re joined by Eve Joseph and Brett Johnson from Microsoft and Adi Latif from AbilityNet to talk about how technology can help charities be more prepared to support people with disabilities both inside and outside their organisations.
This podcast is supported by The Microsoft UK Philanthropies team are aiming to help charities and young people across the UK develop digital skills and they’ll be working with us over the next few months to produce a short series of podcasts and webinars. If you’d like to learn more about accessibility tech and how it can help your charity, head over to the charity digital website or sign up for the Accessibility skills webinar on 23rd April, where we’ll dive into how your organisation can use tech to achieve its accessibility goals.
In our latest pod, we’re joined by Eve Joseph and Brett Johnson from Microsoft and Adi Latif from AbilityNet to talk about how technology can help charities be more prepared to support people with disabilities both inside and outside their organisations.
This podcast is supported by The Microsoft UK Philanthropies team are aiming to help charities and young people across the UK develop digital skills and they’ll be working with us over the next few months to produce a short series of podcasts and webinars. If you’d like to learn more about accessibility tech and how it can help your charity, head over to the charity digital website or sign up for the Accessibility skills webinar on 23rd April, where we’ll dive into how your organisation can use tech to achieve its accessibility goals.
Host & GuestsView All

Chris Hall
Head of Marketing

Adi Latif
Ability Net

Brett Johnson

Eve Joseph
CSR & Sustainability Manager
Host & Guests

Chris Hall
Head of Marketing

Adi Latif
Ability Net

Brett Johnson

Eve Joseph
CSR & Sustainability Manager