Podcast: How to avoid the pitfalls of hybrid work

Hybrid working has been hyped by employers and employees, with many charities adopting the working model post-COVID-19. But, as we return to the office for a few days a week, many of us are noticing some small and not so small issues. Lack of equipment, the complexities of social distancing, the sound of several Zoom calls in the background, half-virtual meetings, scheduling issues, and so on.
We know such problems from experience. We at Charity Digital are adapting to the challenge of hybrid and we want to share our experience with listeners. Today’s podcast will discuss, among other things, what the perfect hybrid model would look like, the major pitfalls facing charity professionals, how charities can support individual needs and requirements, and so much more.
Charity Digital Content Editor and host, Ioan Marc Jones, is joined by three esteemed colleagues, Raabia Fazil (Customer Service Manager), Stewart Barber (Client Account Specialist), and Laura Stanley (Content Lead).
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Raabia Fazil

Ioan Marc Jones

Stewart Barber

Laura Stanley
Host & Guests

Raabia Fazil

Ioan Marc Jones

Stewart Barber

Laura Stanley
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