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Podcast: How to create an environmental policy

07:00 - 08:00

It is not a legal requirement for UK charities to report on their environmental impact. Though sustainability is becoming an increasing concern to donors, beneficiaries, and investors, it can be difficult for charities to discuss their green credentials publicly and harder yet for them to know where to start building them.  


In this podcast, Charity Digital’s host Laura Stanley (Content Writer) sits down with three charities from across the UK charity sector who have established their environmental policy already and have embraced environmental sustainability internally within their organisation. 


Join Katherine McAlpine, Director at The Brunel Museum; Amy Moore, Sustainability Manager at Marie Curie; and Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, CEO of Keep Britain Tidy as they discuss what charities can do internally to embed environmental sustainability. 

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Host & Guests

Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Charity Digital
Amy Moore

Amy Moore

Sustainability Manager
Marie Curie
Allison Ogden-Newton OBE

Allison Ogden-Newton OBE

Chief Executive
Keep Britain Tidy
Katherine McAlpine

Katherine McAlpine

The Brunel Museum


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