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Podcast: Keeping your online presence secure

07:00 - 08:00


With the combination of sensitive data records, funds, and limited cyber security resources to protect them, charities can look like prime targets for cyber criminals. The 2024 Cyber Breaches survey from the UK Government revealing that around a third of charities identified cyber breaches or attacks in the last 12 months.
For today’s podcast, sponsored by, the organisation that looks after the .org domain name globally, we are joined by Vinita Srivastava (Executive Leader - Product Development, Strategy, & Operations, to discuss the importance of maintaining a secure online presence, exploring the potential risks of neglecting security measures and sharing tips to keep you and your mission-driven organization safe online.


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Host & Guests

Vinita Srivastava

Vinita Srivastava

Director of Strategic Partnerships
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Charity Digital

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