Podcast: Should all strategy be digital or is digital part of your strategy?

For this week’s podcast episode, we’re bringing you another release from our #BeMoreDigital conference back in March of this year.
This session is particularly relevant now. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, charities everywhere have had to quickly up their digital strategy, with some organisations starting from scratch completely. Digital is becoming such an important part of charity operations that it begs the question - "Should all strategy be digital or is digital part of a strategy?"
This episode brings together digital pioneers in the charity sector to discuss how strategy can make digital transformation a reality, the role of culture and leadership in implementing successful change and the steps to take towards a #BeMoreDigital strategy.
Charity Digital CEO, Jonatha Chevallier, is joined in the conference release by Caroline Rennie (Product Lead at Comic Relief), Lara Burns (Chief Digital Officer at The Scouts) and Pauline Roche (Producer, Broker & Journalist & Trustee of the Small Charities Coalition).
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Jonathan Chevallier

Pauline Roche

Caroline Rennie

Lara Burns
Host & Guests

Jonathan Chevallier

Pauline Roche

Caroline Rennie

Lara Burns
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