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Podcast: The benefits of user-centred design

07:00 - 08:00

Cancer awareness messages usually encourage people to check themselves, look out for various symptoms, or potentially go for a test. But for prostate cancer, there’s no clear call to action, so it can be tricky.


Prostate Cancer UK developed the 30-second Risk Checker to solve that problem and make effective public health campaigns possible. It led to the largest-ever charity partnership with NHS England – a campaign to find the 14,000 men whose cancer had gone undiagnosed due to the pandemic.


In this episode, Sadie Crabtree, Head of Marketing and Platforms at Prostate Cancer UK, explores the development of the Risk Checker and shows other charities how to use behavioural science to increase their impact, how to make the most of usability testing and analytics, how digital insights can vastly improve understanding of user needs, and much more.

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Host & Guests

Sadie Crabtree

Sadie Crabtree

Head of Marketing and Platforms
Prostate Cancer UK


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