Podcast: The latest in charity cyber security

This podcast is sponsored by the Public Interest Registry (PIR), the non-profit organisation that powers the .ORG domain.
Looking after your cyber security is a constant process. Cyber threats grow more sophisticated, new tools to tackle them arrive on the scene, and charities must stay up-to-date in order to stay secure.
In 2022, 30% of charities were able to identify a cyber attack that happened over the last year, with almost two in five of these attacks impacting their services and 19% resulting in a negative outcome.
In this podcast, our guests will explore the most common cyber threats that charities are experiencing in 2023 and the best practice they can put in place to prevent or mitigate them. Join our host Lisa Rowland, Charity Digital’s Events Manager, to discuss the latest developments in cyber security with Rick Wilhelm, Chief Technology Officer at PIR.org, Sophie, Economy and Society Resilience Officer at the National Cyber Security Centre, and Laura Stanley, Content Writer at Charity Digital.
Host & GuestsView All

Laura Stanley

Lisa Rowland

Richard Wilhelm

Sophie B
Host & Guests

Laura Stanley

Lisa Rowland

Richard Wilhelm