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Podcast: Show don't tell: communicating the value of tech

07:00 - 08:00
There are now tech platforms to support almost every aspect of your charity’s work and operations. Each year, shiny new software and glittering platforms pop up, all promising to make your fundraising better, your services faster, and your marketing more targeted. 

But with so much choice, how do you convince senior stakeholders that one thing is more valuable to your mission than another? It’s all about communicating the return on investment (ROI). 

We explore the different meanings of ROI including monetary investment, increased productivity, growth in service users and donors, process improvements, and targeting audiences. This podcast will leave you with confidence and an action plan to evaluate and articulate the ROI in new technology initiatives.

Host & GuestsView All

Host & Guests

Adam Rosenzweig

Adam Rosenzweig

Director, Tech for Good
John Wilke

John Wilke

Senior Product Marketing Manager

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