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Microsoft Business Voice (without Plan)

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  • Business Voice requires a Microsoft 365 subscription that includes Microsoft Teams.3 It’s an add-on subscription for up to 300 users and can’t be used on its own.  
  • Cloud-based phone system with advanced features including call transfer, multilevel auto attendants, and call queues.
  • Dial-in audio conferencing for up to 250 people per meeting.
  • Call from anywhere, on any device through the Microsoft Teams app on desktop, mobile, web, and desk phones.


Obtaining this product

  • Follow the link above to the Charity Digital Exchange. From there, you can receive validation through the Microsoft Nonprofit Portal.

Donor Partner

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft provide their most popular software titles to a wide range of eligible UK charities. 
Our range includes donated, discounted and Cloud products. 
Click on a product description to find out more now!
View Donor Partner

£3.00 Per User Per Month (+VAT)

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