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Getting to know your cyber security before AI

We explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence on cyber security and what this means for charities in 2024

Cyber security concept with a pink safe on a pink background
Getting to know your cyber security before AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) will impact all areas of the charity sector, transforming the ways we create content, deliver services, and make processes simpler. We will use it (and in some cases, already do) for reporting charitable impact, forecasting finances, and much more. It may also be an important tool for cyber security, with commentators pointing to AI’s ability to analyse data sets and identify patterns as useful for spotting vulnerabilities and preventing possible cyber threats 


However, AI may also make it easier for cyber criminals to increase the sophistication and success of their cyber threats. Though it recognises that AI could enhance the way we respond to cyber threats, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has warned that AI “will almost certainly increase the volume and impact of cyber attacks in the next two years”.  


It is critical, therefore, that charities have a keen understanding of their cyber security before AI technology is widely implemented. Knowledge is power especially when it comes to cyber threats. Being cognisant of cyber risks is the best way to avoid them and enables charities to put plans in place should they experience a cyber breach.  


Cyber security experts Avast have weighed up the potential pros and cons of AI in terms of cyber security, concluding that, as with any emerging technology, it poses both risks and rewards: “Cybersecurity companies are using AI to protect users from these types of attacks by detecting and blocking malicious social engineering attempts, and identifying and blocking malware by analyzing the behavior of files and processes in real-time.  


“However, it is important to remember that AI is not a silver bullet and it is important to have multiple layers of defense in place to protect against cyber threats.” 



How Avast is helping charities with their cyber security challenges 


To understand more about how charities are looking after their cyber security in 2024, we spoke to Chris Comey, Operations Manager at Bradford-based healthy living centre Cafe West. Cafe West provide an all-inclusive service for the local community, offering a library, ICT suite, community garden, as well as a timetable of activities such as exercise and craft groups.   


Among Chris’ cyber security concerns is the possible ability for AI to overcome encryption in future, as well ensuring the actual day-to-day operations of our online accounts, card details, and bank logins are secured” amid the rise of commonplace cyber security threats.  


In the below interview, Chris reveals how Avast and the Charity Digital Exchange is helping the charity look after its cyber security.   



Why did you start using Avast?  


We can get it on the Charity Digital Exchange at a good rate 



How often do you check/update it?  


[It works on] auto but we physically check weekly. It operates in the background, No one has access except for myself. Weekly, I will wake every device on policy and complete update and full system scan.  



Are there any Avast features/tools that standout to you?   


Wake and remote desktop, the ability to command all devices from one terminal.  



What are the pros and cons of using Avast?   


No cons, Avast is simple and easy to use without hinderance.  



How confident do you feel in your cyber security with Avast?   


Fairly strong and robust with the package, it provides leading security and it regularly updates.  



How would you describe using Avast to someone who has never used it before?  


Top-end security with an idiot-proof user interface (UI). 



What score (out of ten) would you give the product overall and why?  


9 - Strong UI, easy to navigate, policies are easy to use and set for devices and profiles when changes are needed in regards to content filtering. Being a charity dealing with issues such as drugs, alcohol, child exploitation, and working with organisations such as the National Lottery, it can be inconvenient time and time again to add exceptions so that people can access the information they need.  

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