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On-demand webinar: How 2021 may become the most digital fundraising year ever

13:00 - 14:00

For many charities and non-profits, 2020 presented unimaginable challenges. The impact of COVID-19 will be felt for years to come. But the lasting legacy of how the sector responded will be how it has adapted to think differently, particularly when it comes to service delivery, fundraising, and engaging donors in a digital world.


In our latest webinar, we bring together AWS and We Are Serverless to share experiences and insight about how the once-considered ‘cutting edge’ in donor engagement has become a necessity for fundraising success. We also explore how ‘thinking differently’ need not mean starting your digital fundraising journey from scratch.


Webinar timings: 

  • 01:31 - Steve’s presentation begins
  • 07:53 - Caroline’s presentation begins
    • 15:21 - Build vs. Buy
    • 19:02 - Software as goods vs. software as a service
    • 27:40 - Wizard of Oz tests
  • 38:38 - Q&A begins


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Caroline Rennie

Caroline Rennie

We Are Serverless
Steve Normyle

Steve Normyle

Non-Profits Team

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As promised, hit the link below to download the slides from the session:

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