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Podcast: The digital service delivery landscape in 2025

07:00 - 08:00


Charities are mission-led organisations, with service delivery at their core. They help to uphold society with vastly ranging activities such as personal care, advice, research, advocacy, care for animals, environmental protection, community and cultural activities, religious events, and so much more.


But too often, the conditions that charities work within can get in the way. Recent years have financially squeezed charities, putting pressure on the services they deliver, and harming the communities who use them.


Working to achieve their ideals with limited time can also leave charities tied to traditional ways of operating, lacking the opportunity to overhaul their approach to be more effective, efficient, and empowering to those who use services.


In this podcast, we explore how charities are making the best of the current service delivery landscape, improving services with digital, and engaging with service users in new ways.


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Host & Guests

Ioan Marc Jones

Ioan Marc Jones

Head of Content
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Josie Sparling

Josie Sparling

Content Writer

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