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Charity Digital Podcast: Tackling inclusion in the charity sector

08:00 - 09:00



Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people are not only underrepresented in the charity sector, but many are reporting alarming instances of prejudice, whether unconscious or more deliberate, that are holding them back in their careers. Why? And what can we as a sector do to progress the debate constructively and work towards fixing the inclusion issue that clearly exists? Guest host Susheila Juggapah is joined by Collette Philip Keen and our very own Raabia Fazil for a real discussion about their experiences as women of colour in the charity sector.

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Raabia Fazil

Raabia Fazil

Customer Service Manager and writer
Susheila Juggapah

Susheila Juggapah

Digital Editor
Collette Philip

Collette Philip

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