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Podcast: The latest trends in service delivery

08:00 - 09:00

The ways that charities deliver their services have changed a lot over recent years. While the pandemic may have accelerated trends towards digital service delivery, the Charity Digital Skills report 2021 revealed that nearly three quarters of charities plan to continue delivering in this way.  


But the digital world changes quickly. What might have worked in 2020 might not work now. And with demand for services higher than ever, time is of the essence for charities to get how they deliver them right, so they can help as many people as possible.  


In this podcast, Charity Digital’s Elizabeth Carter is joined by colleagues Lisa Chomette (Business Development Manager), Laura Stanley (Content Lead), as they discuss the fundamentals of good service delivery and outline ways that digital technology can help. 

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Host & Guests

Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

Email Marketing Manager
Charity Digital
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Charity Digital
Lisa Chomette

Lisa Chomette

Head Of Partnerships
Charity Digital

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