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Putting #BeMoreDigital into action

08:00 - 09:00


In this episode, we’re bringing you another release from our March conference. Following the success of our recent #BeMoreDigital Leadership Day and the amazing sessions we had, this panel discussion seems particularly relevant to inspire charities to use everything they’ve learnt and put #BeMoreDigital into action. 


Charities have the tools, knowledge and resources on all things digital, but knowing where to start can be challenging. Transitioning your charity into anything new is never without its difficulties, but sometimes the biggest issue is knowing where to begin 


In this panel, our fantastic speakers each share their varied experiences with implementing digital. They  discuss the digital projects that changed their organisations, what was required to drive digital innovation, how they were able to grow and how they’re looking towards a better and brighter digital future.  



Kirsten Naudé, (Director of New Ventures at The Children’s Society), Karen McLean (Director at Home Start) and Victoria Hornby (CEO at Shout) join one of our conference chairs, Zoe Amar (Director at Zoe Amar Digital) for an insightful and inspiring discussion.  

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Host & Guests

Zoe Amar

Zoe Amar

Zoe Amar Digital
Victoria Hornby

Victoria Hornby

Kirsten Naudé

Kirsten Naudé

Director of New Ventures
The Childrens Society
Karen McLean

Karen McLean

Home Start


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