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Safeguarding the sector: Ethical data use

08:00 - 09:00
The Charity Digital Ethics Podcast returns for a second episode focusing on the important topic of digital ethics.
When charities innovate, they create new ethical debates around how charities should use data, as well as around what role charities must play in safeguarding against unintended consequences and unethical future use of any new technologies. 

This episode continues our previous discussion and delves deeper into the ethical debates around charity use of data analytics and data science. 
Jonathan Chevallier welcomes Giselle Cory (Executive Director of DataKind UK), Chris Martin (CEO of The Mix) and James Mullarkey (Head of Digital at The British Veterinary Association) for the second installment of an informative and thought-provoking discussion.

This podcast is sponsored by Avast Business Antivirus, who provide a continual stream of data that helps quickly identify and destroy any cyber threat and predict future ones.  

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Host & Guests

Jonathan Chevallier

Jonathan Chevallier

Chris Martin

Chris Martin

The Mix
James Mullarkey

James Mullarkey

Head of Digital Engagement
Royal College of General Practitioners
Giselle Cory

Giselle Cory

Datakind (Uk) Limited

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