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Podcast: Lockdown, digitalisation, and fundraising after the pandemic

07:00 - 08:00


Over the past three years the sector has been required to adapt to changes like never before. Overnight charities plummeted into a virtual world of fundraising, ‘pivoting’ and ‘hybrid’ became part of everyday conversations, and service delivery depended on digital solutions. Now that we are well and truly out of the pandemic, fundraising is returning to a new normal.


In this podcast, our speakers from Mind explore how their community fundraising team at Mind responded digitally to the pandemic, specifically putting a lens on DIY fundraising and products. They share experiences of Mind’s first innovation sprint, as well as the rise of the Facebook challenges. The speakers also look to the future and the new landscape of fundraising, discuss lessons from the past two years, and look at how fundraising may change in the future.

Host & GuestsView All

Host & Guests

Maria Khosla

Maria Khosla

Community Fundraising Manager
Vicky Urquhart

Vicky Urquhart

Products Fundraising Manager

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