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Podcast: What's it like to work in the charity sector?

07:00 - 08:00


There are lots of theories about life working in the charity sector. We’ve heard that it provides huge job satisfaction, that it is bureaucratic and frustrating, that it pays badly or well, that the benefits are few or many. Surveys suggest a sense of fulfilment, but also point to an unhealthy work culture, high expectations to go above and beyond, and a poor work-life balance.

So we thought we’d clear the air. We use our knowledge from working with people across the sector, our experience from working in a charity, information collected from surveys and reports, and additional research to explore what it’s really like to work in the charity sector.

The podcast covers, among other things, reasons people are attracted to working in the sector, the drawbacks of non-profits, problems we’ve encountered in our research, how charities can improve working life, and so much more. So join our host, Chiara Simmons-Wood, and our Content Team, Josie Sparling, Laura Stanley, and Ioan Marc Jones, to discuss working life in the charity sector and why it might just be the best place for you.

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Host & Guests

Ioan Marc Jones

Ioan Marc Jones

Head of Content
Laura Stanley

Laura Stanley

Senior Content Writer
Josie Sparling

Josie Sparling

Content Writer
Chiara Simmons Wood

Chiara Simmons Wood

Event Planning and Marketing Coordinator

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