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"What can we do with our data?" - most charities, 2019

08:00 - 09:00



‘Data’ is often a daunting word for many charities. However, if used correctly and embraced, data can be one of the most effective tools for growth, engagement and efficiency a charity can have. 



Charities deal with data on a day to day basis, yet not all charities know what to do with this data or how to use it to its fullest potential. This #BeMoreDigital conversation shows charities that implementing a data-driven culture and kick-starting your charity’s journey to data maturity is easier and more manageable than you may think.  


In this podcast episode, Executive Director at DataKind UK, Giselle Cory, breaks down what charities can really do with data to make it work for them. She breaks down what data science actually is and how this applies to charities and their everyday operations and service delivery and provides immediate, actionable next steps for charities when it comes to data.  


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Giselle Cory

Giselle Cory

Datakind (Uk) Limited


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