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Helping charities have more impact with digital

Charity Digital, like many charities, is on a mission. We are driven to help other charities #BeMoreDigital through inspiring events, educational content and access to the UK’s only discounted and donated software programme

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We want to help charities of all shapes, sizes, and missions #BeMoreDigital


Charity Digital, like many charities, is on a mission. We are driven to help other charities #BeMoreDigital through inspiring events, educational content, and access to the UK’s only discounted and donated software programme. 


We want to support charities of all shapes and sizes to improve their digital awareness and access and connect charities to the digital expertise and talent they need.


To date, Charity Digital has helped more than 400,000 charity professionals learn about digital transformation through our media platform and saved thousands of charities more than £260 million on their technology.


I want to #BeMoreDigital



How can we help?


By working together. We look to bring together the best content, events, and products available to the sector to help satisfy your digital needs. Our definition of digital is vast and we help charities with everything from cybersecurity to digital fundraising, digital strategy to marketing and much more.


We have something for everyone, no matter where you are on your digital journey...



Educational content


We aim to provide content for every digital need in a variety of formats. Our articles help range from essential knowledge building to easy how-tos and charity success stories. Whatever your digital issue, Charity Digital has a piece of content that can help you out.


Check out some of our most popular pieces:


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Engaging webinars and podcasts


On top of articles, we have a range of webinars and podcasts to support all your digital needs. Our bi-weekly podcast brings together the best charity and tech minds to stay on top of digital trends. And our fortnightly webinar series helps charities build the digital skills needed to help their organisation #BeMoreDigital. 


Dive into some of our very best webinars and podcasts now:


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Inspiring events


We host a number of key events throughout the year. These are great opportunities for charities from all over the sector to connect, support and learn from each other. Our main #BeMoreDigital conference is in March and covers all things digital. And we have subsequent #BeMoreDigital virtual days that dive deeper into specific content like fundraising, marketing, strategy and leadership. 


Catch up with some of our virtual days:


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Access to the UK’s only discounted and donated software programme


We are home to the UK’s only discounted and donated technology platform for charities. Through our exchange program charities can be validated for free software like Google for Nonprofits or You can also access a vast amount of discounted software and hardware.


Some of the many offers available to you:


I want access to discounted tech

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Charity Digital Academy

Our courses aim, in just three hours, to enhance soft skills and hard skills, boost your knowledge of finance and artificial intelligence, and supercharge your digital capabilities. Check out some of the incredible options by clicking here.


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